About Us


At our core, we are driven to cultivate a thriving entrepreneurship ecosystem that empowers the next generation of unicorns. We recognize the challenges of operating in saturated industries, but we believe in the power of visionaries to break through the noise and achieve exceptional growth. Our purpose is to support these entrepreneurs on their journey, helping them surpass milestones with tenacity and drive.


To enable the growth of our entrepreneurship ecosystem and help develop future unicorns.


Cotyledon is a premier consultancy firm established in 2019 by entrepreneurs and a former investment banker. We strive to offer companies the opportunity to work with a multi-faceted group of professionals who have once stood in their shoes.

Our end-to-end services and expertise allow us to create a unique roadmap for your business, becoming allies and champions for your future success and growth. We are here to plant the future of businesses by bringing leading SMEs and startups to the top of the marketplace. We are passionate about your success and would love to be a part of your journey!

At Cotyledon, we take inspiration from the metaphor of the cotyledon sapling – one or more of which are the first leaves to appear from a germinating seed. Just like the right soil and atmosphere does for the seed, we aim to provide a thriving environment and the right support for startups, founders, and investors. We want to be with you on your journey from seed to forest.

Our unique business model was crafted to target some of the critical issues that SMEs and startups face, allowing you to access an umbrella of professional services under the same roof. As experts with years of experience in a variety of industries including, but not limited to, investment banking, venture capital, private equity, and the startup ecosystem, we have gained the first-hand skills necessary to push businesses forward.

By operating not only on best practices but also lived experience, we help you gain a competitive edge in the market that generates continuous upward momentum. We strive to walk alongside you in your professional journey, creating a services catalog that is realistic, actionable, and attainable for your phase of growth.

When you choose Cotyledon, you are deciding to partner with a multi-faceted firm with the tools, resources, and knowledge to make a lasting difference in the future of your business. We are here to raise the standard while reimagining the future of the business landscape with bigger ideas, better outcomes, and more results.


The world of startups is a wild frontier – full of dreamers and innovators that they lack proper structure or support. Every entrepreneur had to chart their own path, often reinventing the wheel and facing challenges that, with the right guidance, could have been mitigated. At Cotyledon Builder we saw this firsthand. Despite the incredible potential and drive that many founders possessed, the lack of a supportive ecosystem meant that many brilliant ideas faded away, unable to navigate the tumultuous seas of early-stage venture creation.

It was during one such instance, while having a discussion with a young entrepreneur who was struggling with operational challenges, that the magnitude of the situation truly dawned on us. It wasn't just about business; it was about dreams, passion, and the courage to bring change. And it was heartbreaking to see such potential being stifled due to lack of appropriate guidance and resources.

This realization stirred something within us. A deep sense of responsibility took root – a responsibility to not just stand by, but to actively shape a supportive environment where ventures could thrive. We envisioned a world where every startup, no matter how nascent, had access to the tools, resources, and guidance they needed. Where every venture builder didn’t feel isolated, but rather, part of a vibrant, nurturing community. And where accelerator programs were not just about funding, but about crafting holistic experiences that genuinely enriched the journey of every entrepreneur.

With this vision, our mission became clear: to serve as the backbone to this budding ecosystem, offering tailored solutions that address the unique needs of each venture, venture builder, and accelerator program. We don’t just offer support; we invest our hearts into ensuring every dream has the best shot at becoming a reality. By standing shoulder to shoulder with startups and those who support them, we hope to play our part in weaving a richer, more resilient fabric for the global startup community.

Because at the end of the day, we believe that the world of startups shouldn’t be a wild frontier. Instead, it should be a thriving metropolis – full of collaboration, innovation, and unending possibilities. And it's our honor and duty to contribute towards building that world.